KKBA is affiliated with LoKation Real Estate
You’ve built your business from the ground up offering your clients honesty, thoroughness, exceptional customer service, and care. It’s no surprise that in considering working with a broker to help you sell your business, you look for those same qualities.
We are the most trusted partner you could choose for selling your DME business, We have a record of reliability, attention-to-detail, integrity, and success. We understand that selling a business can be a very complicated process and we will tend your sale carefully, following our proven process. By screening potential buyers, keeping up with current pricing and trends, and gently guiding you along the way by providing resources and information, we can help make selling your DME business a smooth and rewarding experience.
Currently, it is a seller’s market for the medical services industry which means that nearly all of the sellers we have worked with recently have sold their businesses to buyers already in our database – before we have even advertised the sale.
In the last decade, our track record for successful sales of medical related businesses is 100%. We have worked with sellers who had tried to do it themselves, and we were able to get their businesses sold more quickly, for more money, with much better terms.
Brokerage Services for DME Companies in Florida
If the time is right for you, it is certainly right for us. KKBA can take the pain out of selling your DME business. Our medical sales group are second-to-none in the business. It is the perfect time to sell your DME business and here’s why:
- It’s a seller’s market. The sale prices for DME businesses are at a 10 year high!
- DME businesses are financeable unlike most other small businesses in America.
- Depending on the circumstances, tax minimization opportunities exist for DME business sellers.
Beware! It’s risky to attempt sell your DME business alone. Many buyers hire top-notch business and finance experts to negotiate the deals for them. More than likely that person representing the buyer is an MBA who has negotiated many of these deals for the buyer and has not kept his/her job by giving sellers what they want. These people keep their jobs by getting the best deal for the buyer-not you. Don’t go into these negotiations alone, let KKBA represent your best interest and get you the best package possible. In a nutshell, “You don’t know what you don’t know,” and when negotiating a business sale that could cost you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars.
We will handle all of the preparation involved with the sale of your DME business including qualifying buyers and negotiating price, terms and structure of the deal.
Click HERE to watch a short NEWS VIDEO about KKBA’s Medical Sales Group.
For more specific data regarding licensing/transferring of licensing of DME (Home Medical Equipment Provider) businesses please click here to visit the State of Florida website.
If you don’t want to tackle the issue of licensing alone and would rather have a firm that does this type of work for you on your behalf contact our friends at LicenseLogix.
If you are ready to buy or sell your DME business contact or call (888-565-6468) the professional business brokers at KKBA/LoKation Real Estate.
REWARD: Since you have been so diligent and thorough reading the information we have provided on this page we think it is only appropriate to reward you for hanging in there. Mention that you found us by visiting this page when we list your DME business and we will immediately issue you a credit of $1,500 to be used towards your brokerage fee when your business sale is settled.