DME Experts | North Carolina | KKBA
Over the next few decades, the biggest and wealthiest generation, baby-boomers, in U.S. history will transfer roughly $30 trillion in assets to their Gen X and millennial children. A portion of this wealth is concentrated in ownership of privately held small businesses like DME’s.
First, the bad news.
Your kids don’t want your DME business. Over the years we have observed that the heirs of individuals owning DME businesses do not want to take over their parents DME business on a day-to-day basis. Quite frankly, baby-boom parents did such a good job providing their children with a better education and financial support that working in their parents retail medical supply business does not appeal to them, at all. This is where we come in.
Now, the good news.
The good news is – The timing is great if you are a North Carolina DME seller. We are in a Seller’s Market. There are more buyers out in the market looking to buy DME businesses than there are Sellers. Also, the Tax Act of 2017 has provided some relief from the tax bite from gains when selling a business. This is a really really good thing.
I am sure you have heard the phrase “Buy Low and Sell High.” This is great wealth building advice and it is so timely. The Seller’s Market is providing us with sale prices that are better than we have seen in many years. How long will this hold out, when will it end? Nobody knows. What we do know is that if you wait for the phenomenon to repeat itself you might run out of time before it does.
What happens then? Your heirs end up either selling the business for much less than it is currently worth or closing the business all together and selling off the fixtures and inventory for pennies on the dollar. You can do much better by them if you make sure that this business you have worked so hard to build is transitioned in an orderly manner so as to add significant liquid value to your personal wealth.
Selling a DME business is not a fun DIY (Do-it-Yourself) Project.
The folks out in the market buying DME businesses are not your average small business buyers. These are not the same people that would buy a convenience store, sports bar or a fast food barbecue franchise. They are smart business people who know the industry and they drive a hard bargain. Most of them have Lawyers, Accountants and MBA types on staff, or on retainer, to help them through the process and to make sure they get a great deal.
Let not your heart be troubled, we have your back. We know what makes these people tick, we know how they think, and we know how they negotiate. We use this knowledge, and our years of experience negotiating hundreds of these deals, to make sure your best interests are paramount and that you end up with the most amount of money under great terms suitable to you.
Now a warning.
Not all brokers out there who claim they can help DME sellers are equal. A study conducted by Business Brokerage Press in 2017 reported that many brokers are charging as much as 12%, some even as high as 15% and more. Add on top of that upfront fees and monthly advertising fees. A DME can likely save up to 20% by working with us versus one of these high price brokers. At KKBA we work solely on a performance basis. If we are not successful in selling your DME business – YOU PAY US ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
Our Track Record
A proven track record of hundreds of transactions makes KKBA hands down your best choice when it comes to selling your DME.
If you are ready to sell your North Carolina DME business contact or call (888-565-6468) the professional DME brokers at KKBA!