DME Experts | Ohio | KKBA
Have you ever thought of selling your DME business? If so, you have landed on the right page. We work with DME owners all over the country to help them sell their businesses.
Your timing could not be any better.
We are experiencing a Seller’s Market right now. It started in late 2016, carried through all of 2017, and now on to 2018. The best we can hope for is that is continues until all DME owners who want to sell their businesses have competed their transactions with their hard earned profits safely locked away and continuing to grow.
The factors that make up a seller’s market are determined by the laws of supply and demand. When the inventory of a product or a commodity is low and the demand is high it is said to be then a true seller’s market. The benefit of being able to sell in a seller’s market is that you usually end up getting a stronger price, the sale goes quicker because there is competition for the inventory and buyers are more amenable to give better terms to get deals done.
As the owner of a DME business – The top is down, the sun is shining, the gas tank is full and it is the middle of the construction season (summer in Ohioan) YOU ARE IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT.
We have a database of DME buyers who are actively seeking out DME companies for acquisition. Quite frequently as of late, we have blasted out messages to our buyers about new listings and ended up with multiple offers within hours before ever publicly advertising them online.
Beware, these aren’t your average buyers…
What does this mean, these aren’t your average buyers? The folks out there buying DME businesses aren’t the same average buyer who would purchase a convenience store, a sports bar or a used car lot. These people are educated and astute professionals who most likely will have Lawyers, Accountants and MBA’s on board to help them get these deals to the settlement table for the least amount of money under terms they dictate. They do not have your best interests at heart. That’s where we come into the picture. We fight for you.
This is not a DIY (do-it-yourself) project.
Selling a business is not something to try at home! If you are trying a new recipe and it doesn’t turn out the way you wanted you can throw away the mess you made and get a good chuckle out of it over dinner out. There is no such fallback to land on if you undertake selling your DME business and it doesn’t turn out perfect. There are no “do-overs,” you will not get a second chance to unwind the clock and make it better. The truth of the matter is “YOU DON’T KNOW, WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW” and when it comes to selling your business, one of the biggest most important transactions of your life, the long term consequences of trying to DIY your sale could be financially devastating.
“You don’t know, what you don’t know”…
Our Track Record
A proven track record of hundreds of transactions makes KKBA your number one source to sell your DME. The professionals in our Medical Sales Group headed up by our Director, Mr. Phil Blum, will handle all of the preparation involved with the sale of your DME including qualifying buyers and negotiating price, terms and structure of the deal.
If you find yourself intrigued by what you have learned here and would like to check out a few of our actual case studies click here.
If you are ready contact or call (888-565-6468) the professional DME brokers at KKBA!
Note: We support the Ohio Association of Medical Equipment Suppliers. You should check them out if you are not already a member.