Pharmacy Sales masters | KKBA | South Carolina
Are you looking to sell a Pharmacy business in South Carolina? KKBA can take the hassle out of selling. We have a team of medical business brokers/advisors that have a 100% success rate selling pharmacies.
Selling a Pharmacy Business in South Carolina
Working with KKBA will increase the chances of selling your small or large business faster and for more money than with anyone else. It is the goal of every one of our honest, hardworking professionals to help you realize your entrepreneurial dreams. KKBA utilizes a proven business selling process to ensure a sale is completed efficiently and successfully.
Sell Your Independent Pharmacy with our Business Brokerage Service
A proven track record of hundreds of transactions makes KKBA your best ally when it comes to selling your independent pharmacy. Our process starts with a written confidential business review that summarizes your most salient attributes, such as history, operations, competition and financial performance. We will then work with you very closely to develop a pricing strategy that gives you the best possible opportunity to maximize the equity you have built over the years. We will handle all of the preparation involved with the sale including qualifying buyers and negotiating price, terms and structure of the deal.
Business Brokerage Services for Independent Pharmacy Companies in South Carolina
KKBA enjoys being able to boast about our unprecedented 100% success rate. It is the perfect time to sell and here’s why:
- It’s a seller’s market. The sale prices for Pharmacy businesses are at a 10 year high!
- These businesses are financeable unlike more other small businesses
- Depending on the circumstances, tax minimization opportunities exist for pharmacy owners.
Despite a perfectly aligned seller’s market, it’s risky to sell your pharmacy business alone. Many buyers hire top-notch business and finance experts to staff their acquisition/business development groups. Don’t go into negotiations alone, let KKBA get the best possible price for your business in the shortest period of time, under the best possible terms and conditions. It is our goal to make the sale of your business run smoothly.
If you are ready to buy or sell a pharmacy business in South Carolina contact or call (888-565-6468) the professional business brokers at King & King Business Advisors!
One should be aware that Pharmacy businesses are highly regulated.
A precautionary note about Pharmacy licensing provided by our friends at LicenseLogix
The Pharmacy industry is regulated by both federal and state law. Every state in the country requires pharmacies to be properly licensed before they can legally operate within its borders. The type of pharmacy license required depends specifically on the activity being conducted. License types include, but are not limited to, pharmacy manufacturer license, pharmacy wholesaler license, pharmacy importer/exporter license, pharmacy re-packer license, and pharmacy retailer license. Pharmacy employees are regulated as well, requiring licenses to act as a pharmacy technician, a registered pharmacist, and an intern pharmacist.
For more State specific information please refer to the South Carolina State Board of Pharmacy website.