If you have come to this page searching for information about maybe selling a ALABAMA URGENT CARE CENTER, you can search no more. At KKBA our Medical Sales Group works with owners of Alabama Urgent Care Centers all over the state to help them sell their urgent care businesses.
Our 100% Track Record
We have a track record that is second to none compared to any other firm selling medical related businesses, urgent care center business/practices. In all our years we have never failed to sell a medical business we have listed.
At KKBA we are proud of our 100% success rate. Our database of buyers range from individuals looking to buy one ALABAMA URGENT CARE CENTER to buyers looking to expand in many markets at one time. No matter who the buyer is, we will be in your corner fighting to get you the best deal possible.
Despite a perfectly aligned seller’s market, it’s risky to try to sell your ALABAMA URGENT CARE CENTER yourself. Savvy buyers hire MBA’s to work on these transactions and they can be ruthless to deal with. Don’t enter into negotiations with a buyer alone if you have never sold a businesses before. If you do you will surely be at a disadvantage from the start. Do you know what makes these folks tick? How are they incentivized and what metrics they are judged by? Not knowing some of these facts will certainly cause you to leave money on the table.
You don’t know, what you don’t know.
Our proven track record makes us your best ally to sell your ALABAMA URGENT CARE CENTER. Our process starts with a written confidential business review that summarizes your most salient attributes. At KKBA we look at history, operations, competition and financial performance. Next, we will then work with you very closely to come up with a pricing strategy that works for you. We will handle all of the preparation involved with the sale including qualifying buyers and negotiating price, terms and structure of the deal.
At KKBA our value proposition is twofold.
1. We are a premier brokerage firm with a specialty in selling medical related businesses and professional practices.
2. We assume all the risk once we are engaged to represent you. If we can’t find the right buyer, at the right price, under the best terms for you, in the shortest period of time – YOU PAY NOTHING!
We follow a tried and true, time tested and proven process to ensure that you get the best deal. Our Medical Sales Group will hold your hand through the entire transaction.
Don’t overpay to sell your center.
A recent brokerage industry study conducted by Business Brokerage Press reported that many brokers across the country are charging upwards of 12% brokerage fees. Some as much as 15%, to sell an urgent care center. Also, many are charging upfront fees and monthly fees. Our program is totally performance based – you pay only on a sale. If we are not successful in selling your Alabama urgent care center – YOU PAY US ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
To obtain more information about our program please call us at 888-565-6468 to speak to one of our medical sales experts.