Urgent Care Center Sales Pros | KKBA
Look no further if you have been searching for any information about selling your urgent care center. We work with owners of centers all over the state helping them sell their urgent care centers.
A little information about Broker commissions.
A recent survey conducted by Business Brokerage Press reports that a number of brokers all across the country are charging upwards of 12%, some 15%, for brokerage fees. Additionally, some are charging upfront fees and some, monthly fees for advertising your business. We work on a performance basis for a reasonable fee that is far less than other brokers – if we are not successful in selling your business, YOU PAY US NOTHING!
- No up-front fees
- No monthly fees
- No sale – No fee | WE TAKE ON ALL THE RISK!
We have a proven track record of success that is unmatched in the industry.
After over 12 years and hundreds of sales we have never failed in selling a medical related business we had listed. We have a dedicated group of people in our company, KKBA’s Medical Sales Group, who eat, sleep and dream of selling urgent care centers, pharmacies, DME’s, etc.
Working with KKBA will no doubt increase the chances of selling your small or large urgent care center much faster and for significantly more money than with any other brokers. Because we do so many of these transactions we know what makes the buyers tick, their value drivers and their hot buttons.
Take advantage of our years of successfully negotiating these deals.
- It’s a seller’s market. The sale prices for urgent care center businesses are strong.
- In most cases, urgent care centers are financeable unlike the majority of main street small businesses.
- Depending on your circumstances, their are some tax minimization opportunities now for sellers that didn’t exist prior to the Tax Act of 2017.
Don’t get the notion that because we are in a seller’s market it might be easy for you to sell your center yourself and save from paying the brokerage fee. That course of thinking will in the end cost you tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars. If you didn’t already know this little known fact, we will clue you in on it now. The urgent care center buyers are smart savvy business people who most often have people working for them to help them find centers for sale and then to negotiate the deals for them. These people are hired guns, most of them MBA’s who are professionals at negotiating, and compensated handsomely by the buyers for getting them the very best deal – AT YOUR EXPENSE! Whatever you pay us to help you sell your center you will surely get back double, triple, or more, in measurable value.
If you want to talk specifically about your center please call us at 888-565-6468. One of our medical sales group pros will walk you through our process and help you to put together a plan to achieve your objectives.
We support the UCAOA (Urgent Care Association of America) and the work that they do supporting this vital industry. Please go their website to obtain a free White Paper titled: The Essential Role of the Urgent Care Center in Population Health.