Who sells urgent care center businesses in Oklahoma?

<h2>KKBA Urgent Care Center Sales Pros | Oklahoma</h2>
KKBA is a Nationwide Business Advisory and Brokerage firm that specializes in selling Urgent Care Center businesses.  Our <a href=”http://www.kingandkingllc.com/medical-sales-group/”>Medical Sales Group</a> has completed hundreds of medical business sales over our 13 year history.

<iframe style=”border: 0;” src=”https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/search?key=AIzaSyBBR9OpFfo9nlUNaDEZvHmT-wGHLRO1KsU&amp;q=Oklahoma” width=”400″ height=”223″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”><span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span> </iframe>
<h2>The Current Market for Urgent Care Center Sellers</h2>
We are enjoying a <a href=”https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/sellersmarket.asp”>Seller’s Market</a> in the medical business segment.  There are clearly more Buyer’s than there are Sellers and that has helped to hold prices at a very good level and to make it less likely that seller’s have to finance the deals. If you are ready to Sell Urgent Care Center Oklahoma business, now is one of the best times we have seen in years.

<img class=”wp-image-2349″ src=”http://www.kingandkingllc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/sellers-market1-300×200.jpg” alt=”Sell Urgent Care Center Oklahoma” width=”254″ height=”169″ /> Your timing to sell an Urgent Care Center could not be better.

In a Seller’s Market the owner’s will have some very distinct advantages over Buyers but, that does’t mean that the buyers will stand for anything.  You must have good books and records to show the true financial performance of the business.  Your asking price can have a little negotiation room in it but it can’t be ridiculous on its face. Most of the buyers we deal with our very astute and knowledgeable about the Urgent Care Center business and won’t overpay. The timing to sell an urgent care center business is fantastic.

It’s a great time to sell urgent care center Oklahoma.
<h2>We got this, no worries!</h2>
In the 13 years we have been in business we have completed hundreds of transaction. Most of them medical related businesses and we have never failed to sell every medical related business we ever listed.

We have a 100% success rate.

<img class=”wp-image-2815″ src=”http://www.kingandkingllc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/100PercentJK-300×173.jpg” alt=”Sell Urgent Care Center Oklahoma” width=”206″ height=”119″ /> KKBA has 100% Success Rate selling Urgent Care Center businesses.





<h2>We are not the only people that sell Medical Related businesses, but we’re the best at it and the best value!</h2>
A recent study published by <a href=”https://businessbrokeragepress.com/shop/survey/industry-survey-2017/”>Business Brokerage Press</a>, an independent company that conducts a study of our industry every two years. The study conducted in 2017 indicates that  many of our competitors are charging higher brokerage fees than us. Additionally, many are charging some pretty high upfront fees and monthly advertising fees.  We do not charge any of these extra fees. Our service is 100% performance basis. If we are not successful sell urgent care center business Oklahoma – <strong>YOU PAY US NOTHING!</strong>

Are you ready to talk?

Call us at 888-565-6468 or E-Mail Mr. King at jim@kkba.com.  Nobody in the business is easier to do business with than us.