BUSINESS FOR SALE: Confidentiality is big issue…

There are very few business owners that would welcome this sign in front of their business. There is a huge difference between what business brokers do and what real estate agents do.

Selling businesses is very different from selling residential or investment property. When selling a business confidentiality is almost always a significant and material issue. In almost all cases when a business is to be sold neither the employees, the competitors, the vendors, nor the landlord will know the business is for sale. This makes marketing a going concern business a much more difficult task and sets it apart from selling residential and investment properties. In order to market your business we must first prepare a “Confidential Business Review or Abstract” and then place the listing on several local, nationwide/worldwide business listing services. Buyers are required to submit a signed Confidentiality Agreement before any business specific information is exchanged. Your broker’s objective is to get your business sold to the best qualified buyer at the highest possible price as soon as possible. Your broker will manage every phase of the sales process to maximize our promotional efforts, represent your best interests, and to use his/her experience and best practices to make the transaction go smoothly.