Tips to help you to get your business ready to sell.

Just like selling a home, when you put your business up for sale you MUST stage the business. Staging a business requires you think about those things that a potential buyer would be concerned about and be prepared to take some action(s) to ensure you meet those issues head on. For example, when we receive an inquiry from a prospective buyer for a specific business we have advertised, they almost always want to know if we have the last two or three years of financial records for the business. The reason for this is simple, our buyers are usually buying a business to work themselves and need to have a certain income level to make the purchase make sense.

In his recently published book titled: “11 Secrets To Selling YOur Business – Harvest The Profits From Your Business Sale” Greg Caruso goes into detail explaining many of the things one should know to sell their business for the most money to the best buyer as quick as possible. Check out this quote for the book:

In simple terms, the value of the business is the sum of all the benefits that accrue to the owner during and after ownership.

To learn more about the business valuation process and the business sale process please visit our website at

To purchase the Greg Caruso book go to: Amazon Link